Taking It One Day at a Time

With the U.S. Go Congress quickly approaching, it only seemed appropriate that it be high time that I returned back to go. And to be honest, it couldn’t have happened a moment sooner.

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve taken some serious time to truly re-evaluate how my time and energy have been spent and whether my efforts were helping me move towards a larger goal in life. As a result, I cut back on almost everything and spent a lot of time thinking and testing out new approaches to my time, my energy, and my life in general.

For a while, I had a hard time figuring out how I was going to work go back into my life. After all, it was a highly time consuming activity that I had begun to feel frustrated with since I felt like my game had gone to crap. Nevertheless, I knew that the problem wasn’t the game; but that the problem was me.

I won’t go into great detail about my thought processes and the various choices I’ve made along the way since it would end up making my post sound like some sort of productivity blog. However, the important thing is that I have found a way to bring go back into my life. It will be a much simpler approach than before and not nearly so haphazard, which I hope will be effective in the long run.

As for the blog, I will take a similar approach to my study of the game and approach it with a simple yet effective method instead of trying to do ten different things at once. So if you’ll bear with me for a bit, I’ll be testing out different tactics for consistent blogging while slowly reviving popular posts like Monday Go Meditation once I have a handle on things again.

With that said, I’m happy to be back and look forward to what the future holds!