Held Back by Impatience

Earlier today, I saw that my friend Michael was in the middle of a game and so I decided to pop on in. Upon arrival and scanning the board a bit, it became pretty apparent that it was a one-sided game. Sure enough, it wouldn’t be long before his opponent resigned.

In our post-game discussion, Michael said, “In beginning, I felt like I was behind on territory; but I told myself to be patient and it really paid off.” Though he didn’t know it at the time, I found it interesting that he brought up the notion of being patient since it had been on my mind as of late.

When it comes to playing games, I noticed that I have a tendency to be antsy about what my opponent played so that I could play my next move. Or when I’m reviewing a professional game, I find myself trying to figure out simply find the next move instead of savoring each moment and submerging myself in its meaning and purpose. As a result, I’m pretty sure that I am end up being able to only apply part of what I am really capable of.

In other words, what I think I’m trying to say is that impatience is clearly an obstacle when it comes to my own growth and development. Definitely something I will need to to work on…