GoStyle WebApp Analyzes Your Style!

Every other blue moon, we have the opportunity to stumble onto something pretty awesome. Fellow go player Bonscott shared an incredible resource that I think you would all find just as fascinating as I did the first time I tried it:

GoStyle WebApp

The process is really simple. Just visit the link above and enter in your KGS username (or send a zip file of a bunch of games), and click Submit. It will take a few minutes or so to process all your games, but the resulting report is just incredible.

Besides the fact that it’s free and you have nothing to lose by trying it, here are things you can expect in the report:

  1. Estimated Strength - Believe it or not. This is not just based on the ranks of players you play with. Mine seems a little inflated (~1k), but it’s cool that they try to estimate your strength aside from your determined rank on KGS and the players you play.

  2. Style - On a scale of 1 - 10, it tells you where you fall in terms of: Territorality, Novelty, Agressivity, Thickness

  3. Professionals who have a similar style to you - mind blown

  4. Professionals whose style is farthest from yours - mind blown

  5. Distinctive patterns and tips - It analyzes the patterns in your games and tells you bad habits and even gives you inspiration for new moves to try!

Granted, this is still a work in progress and not perfect by any means; but I think it’s a really cool tool for go players.

If you’re interested in what the WebApp said about me, be sure to see below: