Looks like Monday Go Meditation will continue to be on break for a little bit; but on the upside, that comes with the contingency that it seems like I am working my way back into playing games again (which will inadvertently make the MGM’s that much more meaningful as time goes on).
Life and work continues to try to drown me in all of its priorities as I shift gears and prepare to ramp up things. And while I am a tad tired and busted up (particularly from the workouts), it does feel like I am making progress. In addition, I’ve given my training regimen an official tweak with a more variety of problem difficulty along with a new training system I’ve been testing out for a little while. I’ll be sure to post a full review on it when I feel like I’ve fully vetted it.
Other than that, I hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for next week’s food marathon of Thanksgiving! Bring on the food coma!
Next Week’s Goal
Settings goals for each week has been a good habit, but alas it’s been difficult trying to actually accomplish it due to how lofty they have been. So for next week, I’m going to aim for something measurable and realistic that I should have no problem hitting: 3 chapters from Handicap Go Strategy and the Sanrensei Opening.
Daily Training Regimen
- Work on Jump Level Up series.
- Play one 9x9 game on GoQuest.
- Solve 90 problems on MagicBaduk.
- 50 Easy, 25 Intermediate, 10 Advanced, 5 Expert
- Solve 10 problems on Guo Juan’s Internet Go School Training System.
- Life and Death (9 Old Problems / 1 New Problem)
- Jump Level Up 3 by Baduktopia
- Handicap-Go Strategy and the Sanrensei Opening by by Rob van Zeijst and Richard Bozulich