Archive: undefined/2013

Book Review: Master Play - The Style of Lee Changho

Master Play Lee Changho CoverMaster Play Lee Changho Cover

Master Play: The Style of Lee Changho

Description: In the first volume of Yuan Zhou’s series “Master Play,” Zhou provides amateur players with insight into the legendary Lee Changho. Zhou provides two in-depth commentaries on two of Lee Changho’s games to illustrate Lee Changho’s brilliance and why his famous “calm and solid” style it is so effective. Very useful for kyu players who find themselves consistently in violent games.

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Book Review: Master Play - The Style of Go Seigen

Master Play: The Style of Go Seigen

Description: In the second volume of Yuan Zhou’s series “Master Play,” Zhou goes into the difficult to understand style of Go Seigen, the greatest player of the 20th century. While you might have issues making sense of Go Seigen’s games on your own, Zhou does a brilliant job demystifying his moves and help you get a glimpse into the brilliant and innovative mind that Go Seigen posseses.

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Book Review: The Workshop Lectures Volume 6

The Workshop Lectures Volume 6 CoverThe Workshop Lectures Volume 6 Cover

The Workshop Lectures (Volume 6)

Description: The Workshop Lectures Volume 6 is part a series of lectures given by Yilun Yang (7P) at workshops in Maryland and Pennsylvania. The topics covered include: “Entering the Middle Game,” “Attacking Severely,” “Dealing with a Moyo,” and “Playing With and Against the Sanrensei.”

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Book Review: The Workshop Lectures Volume 4

The Workshop Lectures Volume 4 CoverThe Workshop Lectures Volume 4 Cover

The Workshop Lectures (Volume 4)

Description: The Workshop Lectures Volume 4 is part a series of lectures given by Yilun Yang (7P) at workshops in Maryland and Pennsylvania. The topics covered include: “Good and Bad Shape,” “When to Play Fast or Slow,” “Playing a Fighting Opening,” and “Destroying Large or Nearly Completed Positions.”

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Book Review: The Workshop Lectures Volume 3

The Workshop Lectures Volume 3 CoverThe Workshop Lectures Volume 3 Cover

The Workshop Lectures (Volume 3)

Description: The Workshop Lectures Volume 3 is part a series of lectures given by Yilun Yang (7P) at workshops in Maryland and Pennsylvania. The topics covered include: “Playing the Opening,” “Developments Around the 4-4 Point,” “Punishing Weak Groups Directly,” “Using Forcing Moves,” and “Handling Weak Stones.”

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Book Review: The Workshop Lectures Volume 2

The Workshop Lectures Volume 2 CoverThe Workshop Lectures Volume 2 Cover

The Workshop Lectures (Volume 2)

Description: The Workshop Lectures Volume 2 is part a series of lectures given by Yilun Yang at workshops in Maryland and Pennsylvania. The topics covered include: “How to Invade,” “Choosing the Proper Pincer,” “Side Extensions in the Opening,” “Playing a Territorial Game,” and “Playing a Moyo Game.”

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