Monday Go Meditation: Game 63

For this week, I’ve decided to honor a request made by my friend Rob who asked that I review the game that was the cause for my post on being confused. Though I haven’t been commenting on games from YSD, I’ve decided to make an exception for this one.

Just to note though, any specific insight that was taught by Inseong is withheld from the commentary in order to respect other member’s paid memberships. So while I will comment on what I understood on my own, any specific details will be omitted in this review. Hope you enjoy this review!

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Friday Go Forward: Week 69


I swear my training regimen is getting shorter with each week that goes on by, but in all fairness, I am working on developing a system that focuses on consistency over a long period of time as opposed to having my life be extremely skewed towards one direction or another based on how I feel. Of course, this doesn’t mean that I’m only doing that much every day, but it’s my bare minimum requirement per day.

One of the things I’ve been working on throughout the week is designing a better blogging system. I was currently working directly out of WordPress and collecting notes where I could here and there, but it wasn’t a very efficient system and took up quite a bit of time. To my luck, in the process of me restructuring other aspects of my life (i.e., time management, project management, finances, etc.), I actually stumbled across Scrivener and have been testing out recently. I’m still in the trial period, but I have to say that this tool is really quite impressive for serious writers out there. It’s starting to really help me get my thoughts together and allow me to blog more effectively.

Another thing that I want to mention is that after next week’s Friday Go Forward, I will most likely be pushing out these progress reports to Saturday since they are more status updates than anything else and can be scheduled ahead of time. I’ve found it to be near impossible to blog on Saturday, so this will add a consistent content item to Saturday while allowing me to blog about more personal things on Friday if I want to.

Finally, I plan on releasing an online document that will allow you to check my training and efforts in go in real time! By doing so, you can get a real detailed look at what I’m doing since status reports are generally more an overview than anything else. Hopefully this will be of interest to some of you, but if not, at least it will be another artifact to track my progress and possible analysis in the future.

With all that said, hope all those living in the US have a great 4th of July weekend! See you all next week.

Training Regimen

  • Work on go for at least 10–15 minutes a day.


  • KGS - 3 games
  • DGS - 6 ongoing games
  • OGS - 5 ongoing games



Lessons Learned

  • I’m still bad at framing moves in terms of how many points / potential it can provide when playing games.
  • I need to start trusting my instinct more. Apparently it is correct more often than I give it credit for.

Feeling Full of Contradictions

Managed to win the first round of Yunguseng Dojang tonight. Contrary to most people’s expectation however, I’m not feeling particularly good about it. I don’t know. Hard to say. Because it feels like to some extend, the games I win I don’t like, but then the games I felt good about are the ones I ended up losing. But my head has been in a bit of a haze lately, so it’s hard to say if what I’m feeling makes any sense at the moment.

What I will say at the moment however, is that I definitely feel like my journey has come to a culmination point where everything seems to be contradicting. In an effort to not play automatic moves and think on a whole board scale, I end up ignoring my instinct to play a move which is actually the proper move that I end up talking myself out of for X reason. Games I win are games I dislike while games I lose are ones that I feel are better. North is south and east is west. Oy vey…

I imagine that others who have gone through this must find it quite difficult. It definitely seems easier to just throw in the towel instead of subjecting myself to being neck deep in this confusion; but this is the time when I’m reminded of the quote:

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

  • Thomas A. Edison

Going to keep calm and maintain my bearings… Onwards… Always moving forward….

A Fresh and New Beginning

Over the weekend, in the midst of my slump, I decided to step back and take a hard look at what I had been doing and what I had to show for it. And though many of you might think otherwise, I realized that I was far behind the pack when it came to what I had accomplished so far.

Upon that realization, I decided it was time to take a sledgehammer the systems and processes that I’ve been using over these past few years. As a result, I invested a lot of time, energy, and money into getting myself back on track. After all, people out there changing the world have the same hours that I do during the day, so it was time for me to make a change so that I could join the ranks of those hyper-productive people.

What does this have to do with go? Well, as many of you know, running this blog consumes a lot of time and energy. And though it would be awesome if this were my full time job, I have many other things in my life that I need to attend to as well (i.e., my job, my girlfriend, friends, family, etc.). On top of all that, let’s not forget that I am also trying to get stronger at the same time as well! So when it comes down to it, the more inefficient I am at using my time, the more sporadic my results will be when it comes to things like my go abilities or the quality of the posts on my blog.

And though I hate to admit it, I’ve hit a roadblock with go. In reality, it probably is a multi-faceted problem that has to do with the rest of my life; but I’m not too worried about it since I think the changes I’m making will help me overcome that roadblock in time.

Being that today being the first day of July, it’s only appropriate that this mark of a fresh and new beginning. After all, weaknesses are simply opportunities to get stronger. So with that said, time to get to work.

Monday Go Meditation: Game 62

About a week ago, there was a bit of discussion about the importance of endgame. Now while I would never even begin to propose that endgame is not important or can't make a huge difference, I was saying how I didn't think studying it would serve kyu players as much as say dan players.

Ironically, the game featured this week was played shortly after the discussion and happened to feature endgame as the shining star of the game. In addition, this game is also a good example of competing moyos and how critical points in shape and boundaries can make a huge difference in the resulting outcome. Hope you enjoy this review!

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Friday Go Forward: Week 68


This has been a rather rough week for me. I have lost pretty much every game I’ve played and even lost my crucial match in Yunguseng Dojang (YSD). And to be honest, I was so frustrated with how I played that game I couldn’t even stay for the review afterwards. Sigh. And though I’ve resolved not to take a break at this time, I think I will be meeting everyone halfway by simply taking a break from playing games (except for my regularly schedule YSD match).

I also have a lot going through my mind in regards to how I’ve been spending my time and how to get out of my turmoil. So my training regimen has been cut down again because I’m not sure what I’m doing anymore. I apologize for this week’s progress report being a little short on the content, but I have a new vision for what it’ll be soon. So I’ll be working on that in conjunction with taking a second look at my approach to everything. Hope you all are having a better week than I am.

Training Regimen


  • KGS - 6 games
  • DGS - 6 ongoing games
  • OGS - 6 ongoing games


Taking This Slump Head On

The first thing I want to write is that I really appreciate the numerous words of support that have been flooding in. It’s been great to hear from everyone and to hear everyone’s perspectives on things. In addition, the feedback has helped reassure me that my return to the more journalistic-type blogging was the correct choice.

I’m not feeling much better today. In fact, in a number of ways I’m feeling worse due to other things happening in life. However, the one thing I wanted to write about were my thoughts on how I’ve been dealing with this time of turmoil and downfall.

As most of you suggested, taking a break is certainly one of the most viable options out there. However, there are three reasons why I am taking the high road on this one:

  1. Yunguseng Dojang is still a going on (weekly) and the matches will not be stopping just because I’m in a slump.
  2. Most players I know approach this by taking a break, but I haven’t heard of anyone try to muscle through it instead and be successful.
  3. I feel a strong determination to try and see this through to the end so I can find out whether or not I’m delusional or not.
    Of course, I recognize that my method has a risk of extreme/permanent burnout since I’m already at a low point; but in case you don’t know this about me, I’m quite the risk taker when it comes to these kinds of challenges. So I’m going to take this slump head on, regardless of what obstacles await me.

And paraphrasing from the new wallpaper on my phone:

When things get tough, remember you are tougher.

Stumbling Through the Dark

Today I added another notch to my losses. It was a 2 stone handicap game against a 1k and I completely goofed at the end. No reason I shouldn’t have won, but I just couldn’t see it through.

And the funny thing is that this trend seems to be consistent with other things I tried to switch my attention to momentarily (like League of Legends). Part of me wonders whether I’ve acquired some sort of “losing” mindset; but on second though, it’s rather unlikely since I know that starting off any game being like “I’m going to lose anyways” is a recipe for disaster.

As this is the first day in my quest to return back to my origins, I shouldn’t be surprised that things are not much different than yesterday. There’s a big mix of frustration, loss, and clarity all at the time. And to be honest, it feels as if stumbling through the dark blindly reaching for anything I can hold on to to feel like I’m making progress. I have no idea if it’s going to get me where I want to go, but it certainly seems to beat standing still.

On the bright side, I’m glad I’m not gambling any time soon.

Losing Sight of My Go

Today I played a game against a 2k as Black (with 45 min main time settings). It’s been a long time since I’ve played a game with such long time settings where the opponent actually used up most of his/her time. In fact, it was a little nerve wracking because the quality of the moves were quite different. Far less impulsive ones and much more proper moves that were given a lot of thought. I felt I had decent control of the game for the most part, but started losing control of it towards the later half of the middle game. Around this time, my opponent misclicks.

At first I was thrilled to see the mistake, but then the undo request instantly popped up and I was confronted with the conflicting decision as to wheter I should give him the undo or not. Long story short, he was supposed to gain about 8 points in sente, but misclicked and put his own stones in atari so that I could capture them instead, save my stones, and gain a few points myself.

For 95% of spectators out there, the answer is crystal clear: it was an obvious misclick. In that moment however, though I’m ashamed to say it, I wanted to win so badly that I tried to brush off his undo and play on. I tried to resolve my cognitive dissonance by telling myself that it was his fault that he misclicked. Not my problem. Within a few moves however, I woke to my senses and realized how pitiful I was being. So I resigned in order to try and pick up what little self-respect I had left.

The reason I’m writing about this is because I realized I have become too caught up in winning. Even though my name was created with the idea that I had found zen in go, I think that it has become so far from the truth (especially as of late). With each game recently, any sense of calmness or zen has been consistently disturbed by the notion of winning or losing. And with each game, I am concerned that I am losing sight of my go.

This ends now. I don’t care if I have to drop ten stones to get back to it, but I’m going to put the pieces that started this blog back together: Ben + Go + Zen.