Friday Go Forward: Week 24

You can never have too many books


While it’s been fun reading so many books at once, I am starting to feel the weight of my training bear down on me. My usual nightly routine now essentially is comprised of me trying to study until I literally pass out. Then I wake up randomly in a couple of hours, and make my way to bed. Needless to say, it’s not the most productive route and it definitely starting to take a toll on me. I need a more efficient system then what I’ve been doing. Haha. So starting next week, I plan on cutting down the number of books and trying to get everything into a better balance.


  • KGS - 1 game
  • DGS - 3 ongoing games
  • Nova - 4 ongoing games

Education & Training

  • Finished Level Up Review 1.
  • Finished Elementary Go Series, Vol. 6 - The Endgame.
  • Finished Whole Board Thinking of Joseki, Vol. 1.
  • Finished Essential Life & Death 3.
  • Started and finished Level Up 6._
  • Started and finished Elementary Go Series, Vol. 7 - Handicap Go.
  • Started and finished Whole Board Thinking of Joseki, Vol. 2.
  • Started working on Level Up 7.
  • Started working on Essential Life & Death 4.
  • Worked on Mastering the Basics, Vol. 8 - Fight Like a Pro.

Lesson Learned

  1. Unless I actually take the time to count and estimate the board position, I am no longer allowed to resign.

I Lost to Cloudbrows + E-mail Newsletters

In lieu of my last post on the desire to lose, I thought it would only be appropriate that I title this blog post after a marvelous game I played on Monday. It’s already slated for a Monday Go Meditation, so more on that game in a couple of weeks!

With that being said, I’m sure that some of you have noticed that the email subscription widget on the right has changed a bit. And in case you didn’t, here’s the basic rundown!

  1. E-mail newsletters now have a new look and feel that should make the reading process more enjoyable!
  2. You can now choose the frequency at which you want to receive your email newsletter!
    The only drawback to the plugin I’m using is that it isn’t very easy to switch to a different list, so if anyone would like to switch the frequency of their newsletter, feel free to contact me or go ahead and unsubscribe to the current list you’re on and resubscribe to the new one you want to be on. Either one works.

Finally, as you all have definitely noticed, I am on a book review rampage. I’ve gotten in a really great study groove, but I’m starting to feel the need to take it down a couple of notches since I have a few books I would like to spend more time on. Anyhow, more on that later on. Need to get some studying in before I pass out. XD

PS. To all my first email subscribers (who were all immediately being updated whenever I posted something), in order to prevent everyone from feeling like I am spamming your inbox, I switched everyone over to the Daily Newsletter in order to keep my emails to one per day. If you would like to be switched back to the Immediate Newsletter, just let me know!

Book Review: Attacking and Defending Moyos

Description: Zeijst and Bozulich provide a foundation for the basic principles of moyos (frameworks of potential territories) with numerous examples from professional games. There are detailed analyses by top professionals along with whole-board problems for the reader to practice what was taught in the earlier chapters. It is an essential book for every player regardless of style due to the inevitable need to know how to either build or counter moyos.

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