Archive: undefined/2013

Friday Go Forward: Week 26

Friday Go Forward: Week 26


Friday Go Forward has officially half a year old! Woot! Hard to believe that 6 months have passed since I first started this weekly series, but I’m definitely glad that fellow go player Feather suggested it to me! It’s certainly been really helpful to document my own progress and force myself to evaluate how each week is going.

With that happy note said and done, this week has been a great launching point to start diving back into playing again. Though I am still finding it difficult to find the time to properly play a ranked game with proper time settings, it has been good to simply stretch my go legs once again. As some might notice in my training below, it also seems like my studying has ramped up again; but I assure you that I am definitely taking it a lot slower with my studying. I’m just simply letting the go muses inspire me as I continue my journey to gain another stone. Whatever topic comes to mind that I’m interested in is what I study. Might seem haphazard, but I’m actually having quite a bit of fun. =D


  • KGS - 4 games
  • DGS - 3 ongoing games
  • Nova - 3 ongoing games

Education & Training

  • Started and finished Level Up 10._
  • Started and finished Level Up Review 2.
  • Started and finished The Workshop Lectures Volume 1.
  • Started working on Jump Level Up 1.
  • Started working on Joseki Jeongseok Compass.
  • Started working on Get Strong at the Opening.
  • Started working on The Workshop Lectures Volume 2.
  • Started working on Takao’s Astute Use of Brute Force.
  • Started working on Vital Points and Skillful Finesse for Sabaki.

Lesson Learned

  1. Although studying and learning about theory is important, application is just as critical (if not more so) to one’s growth as well. Thanks to moboy78 for reminding me of that.

On a Losing Streak... But It's Not All Bad

So as some of you might have noticed, I’ve been playing a lot more games recently. However, it seems I am on a losing streak; but it’s not all bad since it means I’m back in experimental mode. My rank has even dropped down to 6k it seems, but this is partially due to the fact that I haven’t played enough ranked games where I actually have time to think. So I really don’t give much credence to my rank drop.

I know for most people, the losing streak plus rank drop is enough to go on a rampage and think about quitting the game. In actuality though, I have found it’s really important to focus on the cause of the loss instead of the loss itself. Perhaps it’s simple reading error? Or perhaps just a rigid approach to the game. Either way, I always find comfort knowing that I have the capability to make a change in my game if I choose. It’s just a matter of swallowing my pride and a willingness to overcome the obstacles that stand in my way.

On a separate note, I have kept true to my promise on sealing away the Chinese Opening. It has yet to make an appearance even though I am on a losing streak. However, I am not tempted in the slightest to bring it back out yet. After all, for those who read Hajime no Ippo, I feel like the Chinese Opening is kind of like my “Dempsey Roll.” I am quite skilled at utilizing it to great effectiveness; but there’s been so much study on it that I must seal it away for now. Once I patch up my other weaknesses though, I have a feeling that I will be able to unleash something fearsome when I finally break the seal on it.

Keeping My Options Open

Today I played an interesting teaching game with frozensoul. After losing (as I normally do), he made a very insightful comment about my play: I have a tendency to settle positions quickly. In other words, instead of keeping my options open, I choose to instead play out a local area to completion before I’m entirely sure of what my strategy is for the game. As a result, it becomes a lot easier for stronger opponents to figure out what I’m aiming at and ultimately nullify it.

Though I try to keep as open a mind as possible in every game, it seems that I still fail to appreciate how much freedom players actually have during a game. You want to play three moves in a corner to try and eliminate my stone’s aji? No problem. I’ll go ahead and take the 2 other big points on the board and laugh maniacally later when my stone’s aji still comes back to bite you in the butt.

No longer do I wish to be imprisoned by my own volition and stubbornness. Go is a game of freedom. So from this moment forth, I will stop trying to see the game from the confines of everything I learned thus far. Instead, I will try to see the board as it truly is: a beautifully endless depth of possibilities and creativity.

Monday Go Meditation: Game 20

For today's go meditation, I am showing the game where I became more aware of the impact of moves on a whole board scale in regards to "slow" moves along with how differentiating between active and passive moyos caused a shift in how I now valued certain moves. It is a teaching game that is a bit short, but hopefully it helps to illustrate what went on in my mind during that game.

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Yuan Zhou Monthly Workshop

On Sunday, July 21st, I was able to finally join my friends at Yuan Zhou‘s Monthly Workshop! Though I was originally unable to go, I’m glad that I was able to make it out!

The day began as always with a tsumego on the demonstration board.

Black to play. What is White's status?

Though I had the correct answer at one point, I talked myself out of it by misreading the order of moves. As a result, I unfortunately can’t proudly say I solved it with confidence. Haha. But in terms of what I gained from that experience, I need much more work on my life and death skills. I’m decent with some of the instinctual moves, but I need to be better in terms of being absolutely sure of my answer.

After my friend Gurujeet answered the question correctly, we moved on to reviewing a professional game between Lee Sedol [9P] and Lian Xiao [4P]. It was an exciting game that really helped to open my eyes. Some of the major things I learned from the flow and tenacity of the players include:

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