Archive: 1/2015

Giving DGS Another Shot

I’ve decided to give Dragon Go Server another shot. While I had some issues with it in the past, I’m ready to approach it again from a more calm approach. In other words, I won’t be in a rush to make my move or finish games. Instead, I’ll view each move as a problem for me to solve. No more, no less. So go ahead and send your challenges. I await them in anticipation!

Weekly Status Report: #12


With 2015 upon us, I wanted to start off right by kicking off the status reports again since they are a great way for me to keep myself accountable to what’s been happening. As you’ll notice, the training regimen has returned to its simplest form. This is primarily due to the desire to stay the course without any wavering. So while this report is a little bare, I’m certainly hoping to grow it in time. Hope you all had a great New Years!

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